Wollmuth Hsieh

Lab Rules

Lab mantra.  Clean good, dirty bad...

10 Commandments (Principles)...

1. Electrophysiologists never give up...

2. The best recordings are from the first and last pipette of the day...the science gods have a cruel sense of humor...

3. You cannot catch fish if your pole (electrode) is out of the water...

4. If your approach to patching is not working, try something different...

5. If you can’t find something, clean. Even if you do not find it at least you accomplished something and more than likely you will find it...

6. We do not prove hypotheses, we test them...

7. Always back up your data regularly — if not, don’t cry!

8. When building, if two pieces don’t go together readily, they may be misaligned — never force anything...

9. Tighten screws evenly and never too hard!!

10. It is ok for the boss to pontificate...

Basic lab rules

  • Always leave a space cleaner than when you found it...
  • Always be willing to make stock solutions (i.e., do not walk away from an empty bottle)...
  • Return tools when finished with them...
  • In addition, your willingness to assist others in their needs will always be recognized...
  • If you follow these basic rules, life will be good...however if you do not you will receive a dreaded Demerit Point...three (3) demerit points and you bring cookies/cake to the lab so that others can recover from your misdeeds...